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Abstract (English):
The author generalizes and improves theoretical-legal approaches to the definition of the concept and peculiarities of jurisdictional administrative proceedings as well as outlines specific features of these proceedings. It becomes evident that it is the precedents created by the administrative courts that have a direct influence on the quality of administrative law and the legislation on the whole. Therefore, the author points out that the key role belongs to the institute of jurisdictional administrative proceedings which under the influence of changes in the political, economic, and social environment are replenished with new types arising during the activities of governmental authorities and other bodies of administrative legal relations. The author considers it reasonable to analyze the conceptual framework of the problems being studied because it is the developed theoretical basis of the institute of jurisdictional administrative proceedings that guarantees not only its improvement and efficiency in practice but also the development of a clear vision of the course and results of the administrative reform. In the author’s opinion, it is important to correctly correlate the notions of «process», «procedure», and «proceedings».

jurisdictional administrative proceedings, jurisdiction, procedure, process
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