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Abstract (English):
Trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their precursors and analogues at the present time is a major threat to health and security of the Russian Federation. In order to strengthen the fight against this negative social phenomenon, strengthening of national security, prevention of drug-related crimes, as well as the treatment of drug addicts is required to apply certain measures aimed at reducing demand for drugs. For this purpose, may 25, 2014 in force entered article 721 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation «sentencing a person who was sick with drug addiction», regulating the procedure of laying the convicted person to undergo drug treatment and medical or social rehabilitation. But as yet no established practice of application of this provision, and it is still not clear who falls under its action, why the legislator has chosen such a narrow range of punishments, the appointment to which the convict may apply the provisions of article 72-1. On this basis, the author of the article substantiates the necessity of expansion of the list of types of sentences handed drug addictions, to apply the provisions of article 72-1. And clarifies the range of crimes for which can be convicted of these persons.

drug addicts, drug treatment, rehabilitation, drug trafficking, illicit trafficking of drugs, the punishment
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