The article defines the concept of system in terms of principles, subjects and objects of implementation of the supporting function of the bodies of internal affairs. The system is defined as a multitude of components interrelated with the environment and interdependent on the status of its constituents which have certain relations and links among each other (system integrity) and a certain order and arrangement (system structure). “Powers” and “means” of material and technical support are identified as system components within the framework of material and technical support of bodies of internal affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In relation to agencies of administrative support and formal regulated social systems of a state type it is illustrated that in one and the same subdivision, as a result of establishment of various types of relations between them, organizations with different (linear, functional, linear-functional, project and other) structures may emerge. Three levels of material and technical support are pointed out: federal, regional and local. The existing order of material and technical support is a complex system intended for comprehensive support of the operation and combat activities of the bodies of internal affairs. However, it is impossible to fulfill the set tasks successfully and with a high quality with no proper arrangement of the support and thorough control.
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, material and technical support, internal affairs, the system
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