The article deals with urgent issues of cooperation of the Russian police with the population and the mass media. Most attention is paid to the history of establishment and development of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the regional departments of information and public relations. The article includes quotations of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation V.A. Kolokoltsev. In terms of operation of the department of information and public relations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Volgograd Region the author shows that the Russian Federation now has a well-adjusted system of interaction of the Russian police with the population and representative of the mass media institutions. The author considers the interaction of agencies of internal affairs with the mass media as permanent two-level administrative process carried out through the information departments (press services or employees specially assigned for this activity) with the mass media institutions and their employees on a mutually beneficial basis.
the mass media, department of information and public relations, press service, arrangement of interaction, public opinion, outreach activities
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