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Abstract (English):
Some of publically dangerous acts nowadays are not specified by the law. One of publically dangerous acts missed by legislator is illegal seizure of property complex owned by legal entity (raidership). There is no RF Criminal Code norm so far enabling to qualify such an act as publically dangerous and particularly under economic safety of the country conditions. At committing a crime related to property complex owned by legal entity seizure the guilt is expressed in form of criminal intent. Criminals realize publically dangerous character of their actions as well as want publically dangerous consequences oncoming. The crime encroaches upon established public relations. Material damage (exemption of legally owned property of the company), moral damage (moral sufferings of the owners at their property exemption) and physical damage (for instance personal injury at force seizure) are caused thereby. This illegal act threatens national economy as well.

concept of «raider» crime, seizure of property complex owned by legal entity, legal entity re-organization
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