Austria has rather modern and stable criminal legislation existing for several decades. Though the Criminal code of Austria is more senior than the Criminal code of the Russian Federation, a number of its provisions looks more progressive since reflects the criminological situation developing in connection with the prostitution existing and extended in society, dissolute actions, the sexual relations in the sphere of production and a turn of materials or subjects with pornographic images of minors, animals abuse, etc. more adequately. On a design a number of standards of the Criminal code of Austria on responsibility for crimes against public moral considerably concedes to the Russian analogs that doesn't allow to reveal up to the end difference of objective signs of their structures. There are obvious distinctions in understanding of object of a crime. The punishment prescribed by sanctions of some articles insufficiently strict also doesn't answer the principle of differentiation of criminal liability. In this sense of the criminal code of Russian Federation more considers requirements of modern Russian society. However at further reforming of the criminal legislation use of foreign experience will positively affect quality of the developed projects.
the criminal legislation of the Republic of Austria, criminal liability, crimes against public moral, differentiation of criminal liability
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