In article the reasons of change of approaches to definition of the list of the kinds of activity which are subject to obligatory licensing are analyzed. A conclusion that practice of obtaining the license for the right of implementation of private detective or security activity in the near future will remain is reasoned. It is noted that the order of licensing of private detective and security activity is brought out of the Federal law coverage of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ «About licensing of separate kinds of activity» and now No. 2487-1 „About private detective and security activity in the Russian Federation“, and also other normative legal acts governing the public relations in the specified sphere is regulated by provisions of the law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992. Features of licensing of private detective and security activity by law-enforcement bodies (police) are unveiled. The concept „license for the right of implementation of private detective or security activity“ is formulated and his contents reveals.
), licensing, license, licensee, private detective and security activity, law-enforcement bodies (police)
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