The authors of the article conduct a philosophical analysis of war considering its prospects on a global scale. The topic of the article is very relevant today. The modern world goes through a deep economic and political crisis again. Actually, the world is again on the threshold of the so-called «cold war». Will humankind pass through the new peak of exacerbation of international relations or, eventually, is the world going to face a big war? The authors of the article come to a pessimistic conclusion that the world war is not just possible but has little chance of being avoided. The main thesis of the article consists in the fact that the apology of war is an integral part of the western culture and its quintessence - western philosophy. Thereby, the world war is considered as an inevitable outcome of the development of Western civilization, its cultural, economic and political existence. Exactly the West was and will be the source of wars, both small and big. The consumer society based on exploitation o others leads to violence and wars, alienation of man from man. In the authors’ view, the global war can be stopped only by means of reconsideration by the West of its fundamental axiological values, especially of the idea of struggle underlying the Western world outlook.
war, peace, philosophy, civilization, prospects, future, struggle
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