The issue of correlation between the system of law and the system of legislation in many ways reflects the issue of correlation between law and legislation and can be regarded in terms of a quantitative characteristic of law. The idea that the structure of law is of objective character has been perceived as an axiom in Soviet and current Russian legal science of jurisprudence. Such quality of the system of law serves to reflect the idea that a legislator doesn’t make law on his own but only formulates what has been created in reality, i.e. what exists objectively. Such interpretation of objectivity is not correct. It is connected with the use of notions having a positive connotative shade and has been formulated under the influence of ideological ideas. Introduction of specifying comments in relation to objectivity of the system of law deprives us of the grounds to divide the system of law and the system of legislation on the basis that the system of law is of objective character, and the system of legislation also has subjective elements.
the system of law, the system of legislation, objectivity of the system of law
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