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Abstract (English):
World scientific and technical progress led to wide circulation of various electronic devices among the population, and also to accumulating of enormous amount of the data which are stored in different digital, including automated (automatic) databanks. For operational divisions of law enforcement agencies urgent is a question of legal regulation of receipt of the accumulated data in the order for carrying out the analysis and their use for the purpose of identification and disclosure of the committed crimes. There is an obvious legislative distortion allowing one structures easy access to such data today (for example, to information on transactions, accounts and household deposits which is issued to heads and officials of federal state bodies without judgment). Whereas operational divisions for similar access need permission of judicial authorities. Respectively, the current legislation in the field of use of the latest technologies of obtaining and information (information and analytical) processing by operational search bodies needs enhancement and completion. After the changes happening in society, connected with development of information and analytical and telecommunications technologies the regulatory framework governing the relations which arise in case of their use in operational search activities requires fixed reforming.

information and analytical technologies, operational divisions, operational search activities, access, legal regulation
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