The article deals with the peculiarities of the procedural status of the chief of an inquiry (interrogative) body in regard to the criminal procedural law, other laws and regulations. The author has analyzed the inquiry (interrogative) bodies activities to expose the problems regulating procedural powers of their chiefs and demonstrated some gaps in the legal regulation of the activity of both the chiefs of the law enforcement agencies and other officers of the inquiry (interrogative) bodies (according to the criminal procedure law). Special attention is given to the regulation of the procedural status of: the heads of the executive authorities empowered to implement detective activity; the chiefs of the inquiry (interrogative) bodies that are a part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; the chiefs of the inquiry (interrogative) bodies of the penitentiary system bodies. The author considers the problem of procedural powers implementation by captains of sea and river vessels being in long-distance voyages; the heads of geological exploration stations and camps for winter staying, the heads of the Russian Antarctic stations and season field bases located far from the inquiry (interrogative) bodies, the heads of diplomatic missions and consulates (consular institutions) of the Russian Federation. The author specifies the necessity to define the procedural powers of the chief of the inquiry (interrogative) body concretely at the office regulation level.
a chief of the inquiry (interrogative) body, an inquiry (interrogative) body, procedural powers, officials, law enforcement (detective) units, legal acts, nachal'nik organa doznaniya, organ doznaniya, processual'nye polnomochiya, dolzhnostnye lica, operativnye podrazdeleniya, normativnye pravovye akty
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