The article analyses the educational process included in the structure of the tactic-special training of the interior body officers for training operative and military activity under especial conditions. This issue interests a lot of specialists, in the context of coming into force the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (April 05, 2016) № 157 «Issues of the Federal Service Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation» that establishes the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Newly organized service has become the organ of the executive power and obtained the functions earlier executed by the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation. This Decree converted the Interior Troops of the Russian Federation into the National Guard of the Russian Federation which controls the special troops of the quick response force and the mobile emergency forces of the territorial bodies and other units of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation. Stated circumstances adjust requirements into the planning and arrangement of the operative service of the territorial interior bodies and reconsider the educational programs on the tactic-special training in the light of the requirements of the Decree of the President of the Russia Federation. Analysis and stated by the Decree requirements on the realization are given by the authors.
operative and military service, tactic-special training, operative control bodies
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