The article analyses the issues of specific legal regime of certain food products’ turnover in the periods of peace and war. The legislator and legal science face the issues of working out scientifically justified recommendations on establishing and maintaining legal regimes of certain activity types of economics and its separate sectors. An important direction of the state’ activity is supplying the community with food and certain products in accordance with special legal regimes of their turnover. It’s important to consider this fact when facing emergencies, new challenges and threats (imposition of sanctions, growth of international tension, instability in post-Soviet countries, a terrorist threat, etc.). The author suggests certain measures directed at improvement of legislation in the filed of food products’ turnover.
food products, food products’ turnover, legal regimes of food products’ turnover, peculiarities of certain food products’ turnover in the periods of peace and war, improvement of legislation in the field of food products’ turnover
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