The article discusses the problematic issues related to the definition of the right holder service works, where a special position among the right holders is the employers, in relation to the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia - the state institution of the MIA of Russia. They have exclusive rights to service-related work, if the employment or civil law contract between them and the authors have not provided otherwise. However, in this case, the employer is not the original copyright holder, he receives exclusive right from the author, in this connection, the important point is correct design of employment relationships. The author notes that along with this, fairly urgent problems in identifying the copyright holder on a work are the problems associated with the exclusive rights belonging to several persons due to such legal facts as the collaboration, the acquisition of the exclusive right of a few individuals in the force of law (e.g., inheritance) or a contract (civil, labor).
employee's work, copyright, the exclusive right of the copyright, holder
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