The article deals with the modern system of punishment determined in the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation from the standpoint of the both international and European standards. While the Russian Federation is in the Council of Europe some qualitative transformation of the content of the activity of the native (domestic) penitentiary system is observed. Partially such situation is to be due to the fact that specification of the criminal and penitentiary policies of the state has changed and the refusal to apply repressive methods for increasing the importance of human and citizen rights while executing sentences has happened. Humanization of the system and the conditions to endure punishments are planned systematically. Taking into account the rules of the International law, Russia continues to improve its legislation in the sphere of the criminal penalties as well as to reform the penitentiary system in accordance with the Concept for the Development of the Penitentiary System of the Russian Federation up to 2020. The aim of the given article is to study the influence of the main international and European documents on the Russian penal system as well as to determine their role in the formation of the modern criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.
punishment, criminal law, legislation, system, protection, rights, person, convict, normative legal acts, international standards
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