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Abstract (English):
In modern conditions, the fight against organized crime takes on greater importance due to the fact that criminal activity of the organized criminal groups penetrates almost in all life spheres of the society, creating a menace for peace and wellness of the established relationship. The problem of response to criminal acts of the kind under consideration has lately transformed into one of the most important tasks of national priority, as a result more and more new functions are being assigned to police authorities of the country in the matter of prompt response and prevention of this kind of crimes. Basing on the analysis of investigative and judicial practice the author points out that while investigating crimes, committed by organized criminal groups it is necessary to apply a creative, individual approach to the process of investigation, a shrewd planning of investigative activities and special investigation means as well as a well-organized investigator's cooperation with other authorities. In that context the attention of the article is directed to the problematic issues, arising in the process of investigating this kind of crimes, some recommendation are given as for the work efficiency improvement of investigation and detection tactics for crimes committed by organized criminal groups.

organized crime activity, criminal infringement, criminal community, organized crime activity mechanism
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