Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article draws attention to the fact that compensation to the injured by the damage caused by the crime remains one of the most important directions in the activity of law enforcement bodies. In the opinion of the authors, it is possible to fully implement the tasks of restoring the violated rights of citizens and legal entities affected by criminal encroachment in the event of effective measures taken during the preliminary investigation. However, mistakes and miscalculations in the organization of the investigation, untimely and unprofessional conduct of procedural actions, insufficient analytical work on criminal cases, lack of sufficient scientifically grounded forensic developments in this area lead to the fact that property of those guilty of crimes of persons who can be imposed Arrest for the purpose of reparation to victims, is alienated. In view of this, the authors are convinced that the issues of compensation for damage from crimes from the first days of the investigation should be a priority in the work of the investigator, the head of the investigative body exercising procedural control, and also the supervising prosecutor. The article proposes an algorithm of actions to impose arrest on property as one of the effective tools for the subsequent compensation of damage caused by a crime.

compensation for damage caused by a crime, harm, victim, preliminary investigation, seizure of property
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