Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyses the categories «patriotism», «patriotic education» in the context of law enforcement officers training. Patriotic education is based on the principles to preserve and extend the culture and traditions of the Russia’s people(s) as well as ones of the interior bodies. Today process of education of both the citizen and the patriot is a priority task in the system of the Internal Affairs Ministry of Russia. Using the historical events as examples the authors demonstrate the manifestation of patriotism in the crucial moments, when problems to exist the country or not have been topical. It is interesting to know the state (national) emblem and flag’ history related to our country history. It was noted that spiritual values are of great importance and part of the modern Russians life. The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation states that it’s necessary to preserve the historical foundations and patriotic traditions related to Motherland defense. The significant component of modern patriotism is implementation of the state program "Patriotic Education of the Russian Federation Citizens in 2016-2020" by the society.

patriotism, patriotic education, Motherland, homeland, state (national) symbols
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