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Abstract (English):
One of the global problems of the modern Russian (and not only Russian) society is the problem of counteracting criminal phenomena, first of all, causing harm in a legal way to the interests to be protected by the Criminal Law (Code). The state acting by means of the legislative bodies takes effective measures to improve the criminal legislation to increase the effectiveness of the norms making up the content of Chapter 8 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, regulating the ability of the citizens and law enforcement officers to counteract criminal expansion and to implement socially useful activity. It is impossible to achieve the effectiveness of the domestic legislation without studying the foreign experience of the law regulation of basis and conditions of causing harm in a legal way. Legislative rules of the criminal law (circumstances excluding criminal nature of the act in the Criminal Law of the RF are called permissible) are of great importance under conditions to democratize the social life in our country, form and develop the law-governed state where a person, his rights and freedoms are of the highest value. The experience of the foreign legislator is said to be of great importance while solving the legal regulation problems of circumstances excluding criminal nature of the act in a number of the European countries and the countries of the Anglo-Saxon legal system (family). Based on studying the foreign legislation, it is possible to adopt scientifically proven (from the point of view of the criminal law and criminological science) recommendations on the modernization of the Russian criminal legislation and other (for example, police) branches of legislation (code).

criminal law, circumstances excluding criminal nature of the act, justifiable defense, extreme necessity, causing harm while apprehending the person having committed the crime, physical or mental pressure, reasonable risk, execution of order or instruction, legislation of foreign countries, foreign legislation
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