The given article deals with the norms of operative-detective and criminal-procedural legislation in the light of ensuring non-publicity (limitation of publicity) to solve and investigate crimes. Comparative analysis of the conceptual basis of the criminal process as a discipline, a branch of law and an independent legal science to have become, on the one hand, and specific rules of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law „On Operative-Detective Activity“, on the other hand, leave in question the Tightness of some academic, common postulates, in particular, the publicity of the criminal procedure, associated with the absolute comprehensive openness of the latter, so called „transparency“ for the society. The authors prove the procedural and tactical issues of achieving non-publicity (transparency) in operative-detective activity and criminal procedure to have a common methodological basis. The authors of the article justify the necessity to make a private theory of non-publicity of solving and investigating crimes to be adequate one for the scientific community and police officers on the basis of which lawmaking process and operational-investigative practice should be effectively developed.
operative-detective activity, criminal-procedural activity, non-publicity (non-transparency), publicity (transparency), solution, investigation, secrecy
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