In the article modern approaches to integration of information resources of expert and criminalistic accounting are stated. Expansion of search and analytical opportunities of information systems is directed to a process improvement of disclosure and investigation of crimes. As a methodological basis the device of the integrated logistics, and also system and structural approach to optimization of the material and information flows circulating in system of criminalistic registration is used. In modern conditions for the solution of objectives optimum use of the information resources which are stored in registration massifs and systems, including in system of criminalistic registration is urgent. Set of the factors exerting impact on effectiveness of work of systems of information support of disclosure and investigation of crimes is revealed. New approach to expansion of opportunities of information systems of primary accounting is offered. Availability of scientifically based system of details is necessary for integration of objects of expert and criminalistic accounting at all levels of maintaining with a possibility of centralization. Result of use of such mechanism of the organization of information is a condition of integration of information massifs of system of criminalistic registration and criminalistic unsystematized information massifs.
information, accounting, information logistics, criminalistic registration, integration of information, increase in efficiency
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