Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Problems of mass media using by the bodies of preliminary investigation for criminal clearance, investigation and prevention are considered. The success of the mentioned activities depends directly on the public opinion of the population about the activities of law enforcement bodies and image of their employees. The data of the research, made by the author or with his participation, is represented.

mass media, law enforcement agencies (investigation), public opinion, interaction, population, clearance, investigation and prevention of crimes
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1. Otchet o prodelannoy rabote otdela informacii i obschestvennyh svyazey GUVD po Volgogradskoy oblasti za 1 polugodie 2009 goda. Volgograd, 2009.

2. Ugolovnoe delo po obvineniyu Piskunova O. A. po st. 158 ch. 2 pp. «V», «G» UK RF // Arhiv suda Zhirnovskogo rayona Volgogradskoy oblasti.

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