The article studies procedural powers of law enforcement authorities, (police) at the first stage of procedures, related to administrative offences. According to the author, police officers should be authorized to book violations of administrative bans in the field of public order and public safety maintenance, established by laws and other legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the stage of development and adoption of new codified federal acts it is very important to develop an optimal, from the point of view of the law and law enforcement practice, approach to giving the police the relevant procedural powers. Such procedural documentation should be based on the right of police officers (clearly stated in the law) to draw up protocols on administrative offences. Revision of existing legal administrative restrictions including the sphere of protection of public order and public safety, discussed by administrative law scientists, should be carried out in two directions. On the one hand, the existing administrative and legal prohibitions require universalization by maximizing the generalization of the Federal law on administrative liability. On the other hand, a number of standard administrative and legal restrictions should remain in the regional segment of the specified legislation.
police officers, administrative offence report, legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on administrative violations, administrative ban, maintenance of public order and public safety, sotrudniki policii, protokol ob administrativnom pravonarushenii, zakonodatel'stvo sub'ektov Rossiyskoy Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarusheniyah, administrativno-pravovoy zapret, ohrana obschestvennogo poryadka i obespechenie obschestvennoy bezopasnosti
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