Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the current legislation analysis the authors consider the legal phenomenon of public services in terms of implementing legal relations arising when fulfilling a social function of a modern state. They stand for the necessity to make a distinction between such categories as a «legal form of implementing functions of public authority», «functions of public authority», and «functions of public authority bodies». Public services are considered as a legal form of public relations that is based on a two-level contractual structure. The authors state that the essence of legal relations on rendering public services to the population implies that a state guarantees the possibility to be a consumer of a series of socially important services that are helpful not only for a particular individual but for the whole society. This is because promoting such services leads to a significant positive effect in the mid-long run.

public services, social function, state, state and municipal bodies, contract, publichnye uslugi, social'naya funkciya, gosudarstvo, gosudarstvennye i municipal'nye organy, dogovor
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