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Abstract (English):
In the article it is explained the importance of the Dialectical materialism being a true scientific and general method of scholastic attainments and its connection with objective truth in all subject area including Criminal procedure. It is stressed that the base of dialectic is the Law of the unity and opposites. According to the dialectic logic it is impossible to blur out distinctions between opposites, for example, between theory and practice, in other words, theory (science) could not be taken only as an «intelligent form of practical knowledge» thereby equates the named opposites. Science has its own independent meaning. Along with this learning the world is dialectic: from manifestation from to quiddity of things, from probability to truthfulness, from subjective to impersonal. In the article it is defended the necessity of strict division of two independent types of criminal procedure - objectively true and competitive (winning-losing). It has been stated that objectively procedure is higher, more reasonable than competitive procedure and the abandonment of objective truth could not be accepted.

dialectical materialism, utility regularity, unity and struggle of opposites, science, practice, objective truth, technical truth, truth of arguments winner, objectively true type of criminal procedure, competitive (winning-losing) type of criminal procedure, theory of reflection, subjunctive interpretation of events and facts, assumption of innocence, true judgment of court
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