The article is devoted to specific mechanisms for the improvement of legal regulation of the ways to protect a bona fide purchaser (title holder) from all persons opposed him in the process of acquisition and ownership of property. On the basis of current civil legislation of the author identified a number of problems of civil-legal regulation of public relations in the implementation of the protection of property interests of bona fide purchaser. Qualification of the conduct of the purchaser as unfair opens the possibility of restitution of his property on indikatsionnogo suit in all cases (article 302 of the RF civil code). In respect of property transferred under an invalid transaction, the same result when establishing bad faith provides restitution (article 167 of the civil code). On the contrary, the lack of awareness purchase.
», bona fide purchaser, no bona fide purchaser, methods of protection of subjective rights, the requirement for recognition of a transaction invalid
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