The article considers different approaches to studying risk society concept that is used to analyse national security issues. It is noted that a broad understanding of security as a security of state, society and person involves a risk of choosing between conflict and consensus of interests. The relation of security issues with subjective risks and their transformation into political challenges is emphasized. Risks of state security related to ensuring balance of relations between patronage and civic participation, as well as to a choice of mode and conditions of international integration are revealed. The interrelation of social security and a choice of forms and vectors of growing activity of citizens is specified. Personal safety risks are associated with a set of conditions necessary for human rights realization, identity problems solution, inclusion of a person into virtual communities, as well as discussion about the priority of individual and collective rights. The author emphasizes that ensuring personal and social security is impossible without taking into consideration actual cultural orientations, dividing collective values and values of private sphere, individual lifestyle that integrate society.
risk society, national security, state security, social security, security of person, social risks, social challenges
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