In spite of completed reforming of penal-executive system institutions their productive potential has not been raised. Basic problems of productive subdivisions of PES, removal of which would have given positive results, are the following: worsening of quality of components and materials delivered by suppliers; various levels managers poor knowledge of management; shortage of managers; shortage of floating assets; equipment wear; long-term cycle of new products development; low products prices; issue of obsolescent and unprofitable production, etc.; low-skilled personnel. Permanent receipts gained by this sector diversion for replenishment of insufficient financing of budget is a usual practice in PES which leads to permanent deficiency of floating assets for productive structures. Joint work of PES with federal bodies of state power of the Russian Federation is necessary to develop and raise efficiency of PES productive forces. It is necessary to decide an issue on immunity grant to PES, binding the state and municipal customers to place part of orders for production purchase, execution of works, services provision with Penal-Executive System institutions. Necessary are financial funds out of regional and municipal budgets to support on balance of PES objects, providing vital functions of settlements and being city-forming for those settlements (fuel-energy complex objects, objects of medical, social and cultural sector, highways and railroads, bridges, etc.). The aforesaid can not but positively influence development of productive activity of PES institutions.
penal-executive system, penitentiary production, restructuring, ressocialization
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