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Abstract (English):
Protection of the rights of the victims in criminal legal proceedings assumes existence of a certain massif of knowledge of standard and legal regulation of activity of the victim and other participants of criminal trial. The natural person to whom the crime has done physical, property, moral harm, and also the legal entity in case of causing by a crime of harm to his property and business reputation admits criminal trial by the victim. The decision on recognition by the victim is made immediately from the moment of initiation of legal proceedings and made out by the resolution of the investigator, investigator, judge or definition of court. One of the making this problem is that the legislator and the law enforcement official haven't decided on the content of the concept of the victim in standard and references. In standard sources also other concepts are applied to designation of persons concerning whom the crime, for example, „applicant“ is committed. Lack of unambiguous definition of the concept „applicant“ doesn't give the chance to allocate him as the certain subject of the criminal trial possessing special legal status. The need for protection at the person can arise at any stage of the committed crime, and not just from the moment of official recognition by his victim. For the person the most important is not information on how law enforcement agencies investigate the committed crimes and what percent of their disclosure, and existence of the relevant system of the measures providing security of his rights and freedoms from these crimes.

victim, applicant, crime, investigation, initiation of legal proceedings
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