The article presents a comparative legal analysis of the peculiarities of compensation for environmental damage, as enshrined in the national legislation of BRICS countries; analyzes the legal framework governing the issues and peculiarities of compensation for environmental damage, as well as issues relating to civil liability for causing ecological damage to the environment and damage health and property of citizens. The author examines and evaluates the law of compensation for environmental damage in the countries participating enterprises, and stipulates a particularly important role in the study and exchange of experience in the field of formation of ecological awareness among representatives of the environmental and legal science of the countries of the Association. The article noted that for solution of tasks in the field of compensation of environmental harm requires not only the improvement of national environmental legislation, and the implementation of universal international legal tools for environmental protection. In conclusion, the author expresses his opinion about the prospects of improving the mechanisms of compensation for environmental damage in Russia through the implementation of individual provisions of national legislation of the countries of BRICS.
BRICS, environmental entitlement, environmental legislation, civil responsibility, environment, environmental damage, environmental damage, fault, pollutant, reparation of environmental harm
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