The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VIth convocation has appealed to the consideration of the anti-corruption legislation amendments five times during the spring session of 2016. Some legislative initiatives are said to be controversial ones to the valid legal acts. In one case, the legislator tried to prohibit the spouses and the adult children of the persons holding public office of the Russian Federation to be engaged in business and (or) to participate in the economic entity management. In other case, the legislator suggested the definition of the notion „husband (wife)“, assuming a „person with whom the marriage is dissolved, but the marital relations are still saved“. Such definition is an alternative one to the family legislation. In the third case, the legislator imposed restriction on holding certain positions by the persons either convicted or having been convicted, or having ever been prosecuted for corruption activity and some other offenses. In the fourth one, the legislator at the expense of „the deputy heads of the local administrations“ has expanded the range of the persons that are subjected to be prohibited to open and operate accounts, to store cash and valuables in the foreign banks located outside the Russian Federation. In the fifth case, the legislator has made adjustments to the five acting articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and supplemented it with three new ones. The legislator-initiated proposals are not always legally based; they are often dictated by the emotions of the legislator that does not meet lawmaking requirements.
anti-corruption legislation, modification, supplement, restriction, prohibition
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