The article examines formation of the tendency towards socialization of the private law. The essence of this trend is the search for decisions directed at coordination of public interests of the whole society and private interests of a certain individual. Using the example of copyright the authors study specific functioning of the mechanisms of socialization of the civil law. It is affirmed that legal mechanisms which make it possible to optimally coordinate the interests of certain copyright holders and the society as a whole are the following: setting validity periods of the exclusive right; setting foundations and limits on free usage of works; fixing the copyright object’s characteristics in the law. The authors affirm that the scope of private law socialization changes depending on political settings. Using alterations of norms in the Russian copyright as examples the authors depict the search for the balance of private and public interests, fixation of such a balance in the norms of civil legislation.
socialization of law, socialization of legislation, private law, public law, copyright, exclusive right, free use of a work, restriction of the right
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