The article discusses the possibility of reforming the document in units of the Criminal Investigation Department, which is carried out in accordance with the normative legal acts in the implementation of professional activity in the detection, prevention, suppression and detection of crimes. To do this, the authors analyzed the circulation of information that exists in the practical activities of the units of the Criminal Investigation. On the basis of the results proposed classification of documents according to the degree of restriction of access to them, depending on the destination document, as well as on the basis of the source of its regulation. To streamline information exchange, as well as the exclusion of documents not expressly provided for by normative legal acts and regulating operational-search activities divisions Criminal Investigation, the authors propose to extend the boundaries of the use of electronic document management system in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Simultaneously it is necessary to implement the use of electronic graphic tables, which will greatly facilitate the work of the criminal investigation department of documents as well as to improve the monitoring by the heads of these units, which would make operational and search activities in the fight against crime more effective.
electronic document management system, employees of the criminal investigation department, the electronic image of the table
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