The article deals with conversations’ monitoring and recording as the investigatory action, regulated by paragraph 5 of Article 186 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Russian Federation in ratio with the operational-investigative measures wiretapping, enacted by Part 2, Clause 8 of the Federal Law on Operational - Search Activities. As a result of the analysis above-mentioned the authors conclude that it is not clear what criteria the legislator based on, directed that the operational-investigative information obtained on the court decision on the investigator's order is criminal evidence. The same information obtained on the court decision on the operational entity order is not criminal evidence. The absence of the express reference to conversations’ monitoring and recording realization of operational-investigative devices in the text of the Criminal Procedure Code of Russian Federation and positioning of these relations as an investigative action is the legal gap that requires its removal, in our view.
investigatory action, operational-investigative measures, investigator, field service officer
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