The article is addressed to the issue of interrogation conducting of suspected and accused persons whose statements are essential while investigating the Creation of a Criminal Community. The interrogation shall be based on thorough preparation that includes criminal case file examination, especially statements of suspects and accused persons interrogated before. The examination off data obtained in the course of investigative operations whilst preparation and conducting the interrogation is of major importance. This data effect for the most part the selection of tactics of interrogation and questions preparation, as well as allow predicting possible behavior of a person interrogated. There will be provided recommendations that will enable to carry out this investigating action most effectively. Key words: interrogation, accused person, suspected person, Creation of a Criminal Community, art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, special knowledge, investigating action, investigator, tactics of interrogation.
dopros, obvinyaemyy, podozrevaemyy, organizaciya prestupnogo soobschestva, st. 210 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federacii, special'nye znaniya, sledstvennoe deystvie, sledovatel', taktika doprosa
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