Provisions of the article 389.13 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation governing the submission of motions by parties concerning witnesses hearing in the Court of Appeal are reviewed in this article. Three categories of witnesses are indicated who can be examined in the Court of Appeal considering terms and demands implied by the law in relation to new evidences examination as well as those which were examined in the trial court. In respect to witnesses hearing who were examined in the trial court the causes upon which an appeal had been initiated are of importance. The conclusion of direct examination of evidences is drawn which includes the witnesses hearing in such cases when the Court of Appeal makes a judgment that basically deviates from that one made by the trial court. In the case the parties submit new evidences and therefore apply for hearing of witnesses who previously were not examined for various reasons a different algorithm is provided to review such motions, i.e. first of all considering the validity of causes for failure to submit new evidences to the trial court, subsequently based on relevance and admissibility of new evidences.
court of appeal, new evidence, motion for witness examination, validity of the reasons for failure of evidence submission, discretion of the court
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