The given article deals with law discourse that is said to be a kind of professionally-oriented communication. The authors of the article examine the aspects of speech manifestation of the given communication by means of web-sites of legal firms. The authors of the article emphasize the necessity of the examination of the web-sites of legal firms as well as their influence on communication process in legal sphere of the modern information society. The article also deals with the peculiarities of the composition and the structure of the web-content of the web-sites of legal firms and agencies. The authors of the article pay attention to importance of including actual legal information into web-sites content that tend to improve the legal education of web-users, to enlarge target-audience and to ensure access to the persons who study at the educational law establishments to useful web-content. The authors formulate a list of demands that a modern web-site of a legal firm should be in line with to be a proper means of improving quality of law discourse.
law discourse, communication, legal information, topical content, a web-site of a legal firm
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