Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article considers the problematic issues related to the organization and production of separate procedural actions on criminal cases with participation of foreign citizens, representing the professional interest of the employees of bodies of preliminary investigation. The investigation of criminal cases of the specified category represents certain complexity for those who investigate, who often do not know the proper level of required foreign language, and cultural traditions of specific Nations and ethnic groups. The article, based on the analysis of judicial practice and the existing criminal procedural law provides guidance on the implementation of the preliminary investigation, the organization and production of certain procedural actions on criminal cases with participation of foreign citizens. These recommendations aimed at preventing errors of a procedural and organizational nature in the course of preliminary investigation on criminal cases with participation of foreign citizens, persons engaged in the investigation, and as a result to ensure the inevitability of punishment for persons guilty of committing crimes.

foreign citizens, migrants, persons who do not speak the language of the criminal proceedings, preliminary investigation, interpreter, investigations
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