For a variety of reasons the Russian Federation has been .interesting for migrants for several decades. There is a variety of events included in the human migration process and they are implemented in different spheres: political and legal, social, economic, cultural, as well as, they are both positive and negative. Foreign citizens in Russia are sure to be involved in the prosecution bodies' activities. The article discusses some problems of involving foreign citizens in the criminal procedure of the Russian Federation as witnesses and victims from the point of view of the investigative process organization. The peculiarities of the legal regulation of foreign citizens' order to stay in Russia, as well as certain gaps and contradictions of both migration and criminal procedural branches of legislation of the Russian Federation that arise, while participating foreign citizens in the criminal procedure, are examined. In order to increase the effectiveness of the investigative bodies' (inquiry ones') activity (when the foreign citizens are involved), the author suggests expanding the list of grounds for extending foreign citizens' term to stay in the Russian Federation, while they are supposed to be witnesses and victims in the criminal procedure. The necessity to provide the preliminary investigation bodies' access to the state information records of migration registration is proved.
foreign citizen, the legal status of foreign citizens, criminal procedure, witness, victim, investigator, term to stay, international cooperation, request for legal assistance
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