Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the ideological foundations of the «prosecutorial authorities» in pre-trial phase of the domestic criminal proceedings. It is clear, there is a number of aspects such as aims, objectives and functions of the prosecutorial authorities, including subject, range and authority limit that remain complicated due to its «openness» in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This issue is directly related to the legal mechanism of the protection of human rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens. The author proves that the development of the concept of human rights and freedoms excludes the beginning of the criminal proceedings from the sphere of detective activity. Consequently, the structure of prosecutorial authorities contains not only the state bodies and their officials to execute criminal proceedings but also detective bodies counteracting crime. Thus, it is impossible to develop the prosecution policy to be based upon efficiency and humanization without focusing the right to prosecute belonging to one department - Prosecutor’s Office.

the prosecutorial authorities, criminal proceedings, prosecutor, detective activity, prosecution
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