The authors of this article refer to Article 6 in the present adversary Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation “The appointment of criminal jurisdiction” and take note that there is a protection of human rights and person’s lawful interests is opposed crime prevention in this article (i.e. full crimes disclosure, unavoidability of perpetrators’ responsibility, establishment of objective truth in criminal cases). There are no categories for “crimes disclosure” and “objective truth” in Article 6 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Whereas crime prevention (objective and issued crimes disclosure) and protection of human rights and person’s lawful interests must be viewed as unified system. At the same time, the authors of the article refer crimes disclosure and establishment of objective truth in criminal cases to the purpose, but protection of human rights and person’s lawful interests to the most important task of criminal jurisdiction. According to the authors’ opinions, there are only tasks in Article 6 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, and there is no goal (a common goal), but there are only adversary-winning goals of the prosecutors and defense. In the unified “goal-tasks” system the tasks should be examined as necessary means that lead to achievement of the goal. The overall goal is objectively necessary in the text of the criminal procedure law; the criminal process is defective without it. The objective-issued type (model) and the adversary (winning-losing) model of criminal procedure are distinguished in the author's article.
objective truth, purpose and goals of criminal jurisdiction, means, objective-issued type (model) of criminal procedure, adversary (winning-losing) type (model) of criminal procedure
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