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Abstract (English):
The relevance of the presented article is that when analyzing foreign experience in countering cybercrime, there are contradictory provisions of national legislative systems. According to different criteria, types of computer crimes are assessed and strategies for ensuring cybersecurity are being developed, there is no single regulatory document, and the accumulated experience in this field is informative, which makes it possible to carry out an analysis of the fight against cybercrime, taking into account various supranational legal systems. The conclusion is substantiated that it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of the normative content of ensuring cybersecurity in different countries. Without fixing in the normative documentation of a certain conceptual apparatus, it is impossible to create a full-fledged security structure. The scientific article aims to study various approaches to the construction of general and special norms for the legal support of countering cybercrime and to reflect those valuable moments that should be used in the domestic regulatory field.

cybercrime, cybersecurity, strategy against cybercrime, information technology, convention, national cyberspace
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