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Abstract (English):
It is necessary to enshrine the standards of establishing the types of permitted use of land plots in the legislation because it is aimed at settling land-use disputes arising as a result of placing buildings of different purpose (apartment houses, stores, administrative buildings) within the boundaries of the same territorial zone. The Land Code of the Russian Federation admits the possibility of territorial combination of various types of land plots’ use (residential, social and business, manufacturing, recreational, and other types of land plots’ use). Along with this, in the author’s opinion, it is important to prevent the violation of civil rights to a favorable environment and environmental safety. That is why, along with zoning of lands belonging to residential areas, an additional mechanism of determining the legal regime of land plots is required. The institute of permitted use implies such a mechanism. The current legislation regulating the grounds and order of establishing the types of permitted use of land plots requires improvement and development with regard to ensuring the principle of consistency and intersubordination of the corresponding legal standards. The land legislation is supposed to determine the fundamentals (principles) of establishing the types of permitted use of land plots. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the viewpoints of some authors offering to amend the Land Code of the Russian Federation with an additional special chapter that would contain general provisions about land-use zoning, town-planning regulations, the notion and content of the legal framework of «permitted use of a plot of land» as well as peculiarities of zoning and establishing the types of permitted use of land plots of certain land categories.

permitted use of land plots, zoning of areas, territorial zones, town-planning regulations, basic, auxiliary and conventionally permitted types of land plots’ use
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