As pick-pocketing clear-up rate remains low, the investigation process is still a challenge. This type of crime is of particular insolence for it is not only committed in front of the victim who takes no notice of the covert stealing, but yet implies a physical contact with the victim or the things that he holds in his hands or that are in immediate proximity to or within the eyesight of the latter. Investigation of crimes committed in public transport is complicated by the specifics of crime scenery, peculiar methods of crime preparation, committing and concealing, concentration of people and material items, opportunity to escape quickly or disguise as a passenger, etc. It is noted that the above factors make it very difficult to establish the scene and circumstances of the crime, to identify the perpetrators and eyewitnesses, to conduct investigation in whole. This article focuses on specifying the circumstances to be proved that are in general defined by the law as other circumstances.
karmannye krazhi, obschestvennyy transport, drugie obstoyatel'stva, podlezhaschie dokazyvaniyu
1. pick-pocketing, public transport, other circumstances, to be proved.
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